

Q&A 목록

Suicidal Rap Orgy : Genital Warfare

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작성자 Kandi Kincheloe 이메일kandi.kincheloe@yahoo.com 연락처 작성일 24-06-27 23:48
Kandi Kincheloe


51466590787_9c5fe609b7.jpgIf Alfred Nobel was famed for sticking various objects up his own anus, then I would be having the great pleasure of introducing this years joint Nobel Laureates for literature (within the field of poetry) ladies and gentlemen, dualplover gives you, bushpig / mule / mc scatboner / cockbash-80 / mc slurry / the wound bearer / mc trollop / mc chubnuts / mc poodick / mc shitman / mc nostrilcum or as the are collectively known suicidal rap orgy. Hip hop from the blue moutains, cmnf what isolation can do to a gangstars is terrifying if this offering has anything to say about kids today. Anal Sucking Fun" and "Decapitated Fetus Bangin'" only tell half the story, you should see the pictures on the cover." - BLUNT MAGAZINE.



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